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Viodi View Newsletter - January 7th, 2008 By Ken Pyle, ken.pyle at, Managing Editor, Viodi View
24+ hours without power. Who would have thought this could happen in the middle of Silicon Valley in 2008. The storm that brought hurricane-force winds to the Bay Area has receded, but PG&E is still fighting its after effects. Fortunately, my neighbor, who is on a separate power grid, lent me valuable power to keep my fruits fresh and my computer humming. Consuming Electronics at CES …..Look for Peter Lowten
Although there are thousands of consumer electronics and related goods introduced at this mega-show, there a couple of items of particular interest, including Samsung’s announcement of an 82 inch, high definition 3,840 pixels by 2,160 high definition television – ouch just when telcos thought they had a handle on regular H.D. DXG USA’s DXG-566V HD high definition (1280x720) camcorder looks to be interesting because of its low cost. At $149, this camcorder records directly to SD memory cards and promises low-cost, high quality capture. More on this unit in a future issue. Flipping Out Over a Low Cost Camcorder
Flip Video Camcorder – More than Just for Personal Use? Club Viodi members, click here to read how the Flip Video Camcorder could be relevant to independent telcos and how they might be able to take advantage of the Flip Video camcorder to further enhance their local content efforts. Note, to view the above link, you must be a club.viodi member. Club.Viodi membership is only open to independent telcos and is made available at the sole discretion of Viodi, LLC. Right on the heels of CES is the NTCA Wireless Symposium in Phoenix from Wednesday to Friday, January 9th-11th. To get an idea of what the NTCA Wireless conference is about, please click here (Open with MS Internet Explorer) for this presentation by Eric Mantion, formerly of InStat. In this presentation, Mantion speculated that an entity not traditionally in the telecom business, such as Walmart or Chevron, could use WiMAX to offer telecommunications services,. Interestingly, Chevron is one of the bidders in the 700 MHz auctions…..what does Chevron have planned for that spectrum?
Alan J. Weissberger poses an interesting question on the telecom market and provides an excellent analysis of last month’s Cisco C-Scape conference. Click on the following links to read more. Is the Telecom Market in Turmoil because of a Price War? Click here to read more IEEE ComSoc SCV Telecom and Networking Newsletter- Part II. C-Scape Conference
Steve Klein, a long-time industry veteran of places such as Next Level and Zhone is a free agent. Well versed in the independent telco space as well as international markets, Steve is available for telecommunications vendors looking for expertise in IP networking, DSL, GPON and FTTx, Ethernet and EFM, and voice service technologies. Contact him at hstephenklein at gmail dot com Many of you may not know John Matson. This transplanted Minnesotan was the classic early generation Silicon Valley engineer. Although not a huge name in the annals of Silicon Valley, his work ethic, love of family, church and community represent everything that is good about this area. His own words, memorialized at Great American Stories, are one of his last gifts to the people who knew him. The Great American Stories site seems to be an excellent way to capture the words and wisdom of our elders.
The Korner - 21st Century Technology Etiquette Two years ago, we opened the New Year with a review of the book, Talk to the Hand. This book looked at the increasing coarseness in today’s society. Although not necessarily the intent, this book gave some good ideas as to ways telecom companies could improve customer service. Along these same lines, we kick off this year with some great advice from the granddaughter of the Queen of Etiquette, Emily Post. In this brief video, Anna Post gives tips on the proper use of email, instant messaging, speaker phones, video conferencing and new technologies in general. Feel free to pass this video along, as she has some common-sense ideas on the proper use of these relatively new communication methods. (video source: Logitech) Happy Birthday Sue!
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The Video Business Case for Independent Telcos – The Report Viodi’s report, Video Business Case provides results to a survey of independent telcos and their business case for video. Most of the telcos that responded to the survey have figured out a way to deploy video services. This survey provides insight from the independent telcos as well as several of their Engineering firms.